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America's most visited city
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New York - the Big Apple, and the city that never sleeps

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  Top museums
Visitable skyscrapers
Statue of Liberty
Other major landmarks
Specialist museums
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    New York is the most visited city in the Americas, and the only US city to figure in the top ten most visited cities in the world.
   For over a hundred of the formative years of the modern United States, it was the key point of entry into the USA for immigrants, businessmen, merchants and tourists, giving it a particular place in American life and culture, and a cosmopolitan heritage that no other big world city can match.
    Not only is it the biggest city in the USA; it is also the most culturally diverse and culturally richest city in North America. It was here, in the 19th and 20th centuries, that many of the richest men in America lived, and here that they established their art and craft collections – bequeathing to the city of New York some of the priceless collections and artefacts that can be seen in the city today.
    But while new York offers a hundred or so world-class museums, they are just the icing on the cake. Many of those who visit New York never set foot in a museum – or at least not a traditional museum. New York has so much more to offer; its vibrant districts, its music scene, the amazing views from the top of its skyscrapers, its theaters, it's streets and squares, its restaurants and bars, its water-front. It even has one of the biggest gothic cathedrals in the world..
    It's hardly surprising that New Yorkers will tell you that a lifetime is not long enough to see everything there is to see in New York. You could see quite a lot in a lifetime, but in a week or two, a tourist visitng New York will hardly have time to scratch the surface. Written for those with no more than a few days to spend in the city, this page provides a quick introduction to some of the most interesting or exciting things to see and do in New York City.

What's where?  Major landmarks and monuments in New York

Here is a selection of the most popular

Skyscrapers to visit:


Though New York boasts less museums than Los Angeles, the advantage of New York is that most of the best museums in the city are located in a fairly compact area, making them easily accessible – which is not the case with LA.

Best art museums -  Here are six of the most interesting and centrally located general art museums in New York.  
  Museums for special interests         
    Museums are not just for works or art and antiquities; they can cover any field of culture, life or history, and New York has a great and interesting selection of special interest museums. Here are five covering a trange of interests, and easily accessible from central Manhattan.

And so much more...

The sites and sights listed above sould keep most visitors to New York going for at least two weeks... but this being New York, there are so many more interesting places that do not make the top twenty-four we've chosen for you. So here are some more that you might like to check out, depending on why you're planning to visit New York, and what your interests are.

For kids (and parents)

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For more background to the USA.....

Book / ebook     A Background to modern America -  people, places and events  that have played a significant role in the shaping of modern America. A C1-level Advanced English reader for speakers of other languages, and anyone wanting to  learn some of the background to today's USA.  Twenty-two texts, with vocabulary guides and exercises.

For California, discover, a short guide for visitors.   Home page 

Hotels and holiday apartments throughout New York
A great selection at best rates from

 Midtown Manhattan
 Greenwich village
 Central Park
Lower Manhattan

Discover the U.S.A.
its past, its present, its future.
The people, places and events that made modern America - Elvis Presley, M-L King, J-F Kennedy, the Mississippi, Route 66 and a whole lot more....  

E-book, paperback or hardback

Health care for visitors and tourists to the USA

People visiting the USA as a tourist, even those with US citizenship, are very strongly advised to take out a travel health insurance policy to cover their stay/s in the USA. Medical costs in the USA can be very high, and even a simple visit to a doctor can cost typically between $100 and $200, and a day in hospital may well cost over $3,000. is an independent guide to the USA, free of external advertising. Pages may contain links to useful external websites, including US government websites  and other official sources, as well as  affiliate links to relevant travel service providers. A small commission may be  earned from purchases made through these affiliate links.

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