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Top places to visit in the USA

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Discover the most popular and interesting tourist sites in the USA

The USA is the world's leading tourist destination - firstly for Americans themselves, secondly for international visitors; and covering half a continent, it has a huge variety of tourist sites and attractions waiting to be discovered. There are sites for all interests and tastes; national parks for those who enjoy the great outdoors, historic sites for those looking for a trip back in time, and of course whole cities, with their multiple attractions. This page is just a start. You can discover more on About-the-USA.com's thematic travel pages, and on thousands of topical and local websites on the Internet.
Map key  - click on any map marker for essential details
Top Ten tourist destinations
in the USA
Other popular tourist cities
Historic sites
National parks and outdoor areas
Other interesting sites
Top theme park locations
Most of the almost 100 top visitor attractions listed here are very much on the tourist trail; but there are others, very interesting sites, that are relatively undiscovered . Note that some sites that are off the tourist trail or at high altitude may not be open all year round.


The top ten tourist destinations in the USA

There is no agreement in the USA over any definitive list of the top ten tourist sites in the US. It all depends what you consider a "site" or a "destination" to be, and how you assess the number of visitors. Is it all visitors, visitors from other states, or international visitors? While there is consensus over Orlando, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, which are in almost all the lists of top destinations, after that the lists vary quite a lot.

Best attractions by theme

More details by location or theme...
And More information on selected cities
Boston, ChicagoLas Vegas,  Los Angeles, Miami, Memphis, New OrleansNew York, Philadelphia, San Francisco,  Sacramento, Seattle, Washington DC

For more background to the USA.....

Book / ebook     A Background to modern America -  people, places and events  that have played a significant role in the shaping of modern America. A C1-level Advanced English reader for speakers of other languages, and anyone wanting to  learn some of the background to today's USA.  Twenty-two texts, with vocabulary guides and exercises.

For California, discover About-California.com, a short guide for visitors.

Other places, other countries...
Tourist attraction map of France

About-the-USA.com is an independent guide to the USA, free of external advertising. Pages may contain links to useful external websites, including US government websites  and other official sources, as well as  affiliate links to relevant travel service providers. A small commission may be  earned from purchases made through these affiliate links.

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Hôtels throughout the USA
A great selection at best rates from  Booking.com

 Washington D.C.
 New York
 San Francisco
 Los Angeles
 San Diego
 Las Vegas

Discover the U.S.A.
its past, its present, its future.
The people, places and events that made modern America - Elvis Presley, M-L King, J-F Kennedy, the Mississippi, Route 66 and a whole lot more....  

E-book, paperback or hardback

Partner websites

Other places to discover and explore...
  • About France - a thematic guide to France. Over 200 pages of information for visitors and students.
  • About Britain - a thematic introduction to Britain covering institutions, life and tourism 
  • About Quebec - Discover the French-speaking province of Canada
  • About California - a thematic travel guide to California
  • About-Portugal.com - Discover Portugal and its regions
  • About Spain  - discover the real Spain - an incomplete guide to Spain on and off the beaten track

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Photo credits.
Top of page by
Pierre Blaché..

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